Hello, 2025!
A new year always feels like the turning of a fresh page, but before diving into the excitement and anticipation for what’s to come, I want to pause and reflect on 2024.

In my last blog post, I shared that it was time to let go of this "lady nomad life." It marked a turning point—a farewell to BagLady Basics and an embrace of by Shanya, as I embarked on a softer, slower, and more grounded way of life. But as I quickly learned, wanting a settled life and fully committing to one are two entirely different challenges.
Moving to Sydney was a leap of faith, and a year into our move, the adjustment still proved harder than expected. It wasn’t just the physical act of relocating, but the emotional weight of finding my place, identity, and community in a new environment. Even with Sydney’s stunning beaches and laid-back charm, it felt worlds apart from the vibrant cosmopolitan, welcoming buzz of Shanghai and this feeling left me questioning whether I’d made the right decision.
By early 2024, I was just ready to skip the awkward "starting over" phase and jump straight to the "good part" of this new chapter. There were good days, but the tough moments often felt heavier. Still, I resolved not to let isolation and uncertainty hold me back, and instead of focusing on my fears, I made it my mission to eliminate them altogether.
I leaned into the discomfort, and allowed the process of unlearning and relearning to unfold, and my strategy brought clarity to what I truly wanted- a year of deliberate action to create the life I envisioned in Sydney.
I envisioned my plan, and started its execution, unaware of the surprise that the Universe had waiting for me- that I was actually pregnant! This discovery thwarted most of my initial plans, but I bounced back, recalibrated my year's goals and embraced the beautiful surprise.

Road tripping with my baby bump.
Life away, while pregnant was no easy feat- being away from my usual tribe of friends and family was emotionally draining and mentally challenging. Yet, I chose to show myself grace, celebrate my strength, and embraced my new reality.

Short but cherished moments with my sister during my 1st trimester. So lucky to have her visit at that time- a coincidence really!

A trip to Blue Mountains with my mom, hiking in my by Shanya Barrel-leg Pants.

My by Shanya caftans saved me!
During my pregnancy, my partner and I decided to move from the city to the Northern Beaches, to a small, quiet beach town. This move proved to be a much-needed fresh start and brought a renewed sense of peace to our situation. By the time our little one arrived, we were settled into our new hood and ready to begin our life as parents.

Motherhood felt like a natural extension of the inner work I had been doing and welcoming a little human who depended entirely on me taught me what it truly meant to love someone more deeply than I ever thought possible.
As the year drew to a close, we found ourselves navigating life as a family of three- eager to see how our adventures would evolve with a plus-one. To celebrate our journey and reward ourselves for a very unexpected and challenging 2024, we took a long-awaited vacation—our first since Italy in September 2023.

Moorea island, French Polynesia
This time, our wanderlust led us to Moorea in French Polynesia. Surrounded by turquoise lagoons, lush mountains, and breathtaking sunsets, it felt like stepping into another world. It was the perfect way to ring in the New Year—our little family soaking up the beauty of life and love in paradise.
2024 may not have unfolded according to my original plans, but it felt divinely ordered. As 2025 begins, and the world continues to evolve around me, and I around it, I know that I can positively face whatever comes next—and bravely so.
Here’s to 2025- a year of adventure, and embracing the unknown with an open heart, courage and gratitude.
Stay tuned for our Moorea adventure in Pt.2
